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S930L Seri

BEFK company S930L series of pneumatic actuators for metal forging lead cylinder, pneumatic high performance actuator, which can be divided into single and double acting; internal mechanical structure is divided into the rack and pinion drive.

S930H seri

The S930H series products are BEFK, summarizes the advantages of similar products in North America for decades, and the application of BEFK in many valve design patent technology, high performance products, the latest generation of combined with the rotary actuator rotating mechanical characteristics and launched.

S980H pist

S980H series piston pneumatic actuator is the executive body of large thrust gas BEFK and production for high thrust, high pressure or high surge valve under the condition of moving straight stroke.

S980M seri

S980M series diaphragm type pneumatic actuator is BEFK for the high precision, stability, in Gaoping, the small caliber; in low differential pressure valve, operating conditions and the introduction of a section of high performance actuator.
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